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Hiring a Carpet Cleaner May Cost You Double

With famous brands of carpet cleaning machine occupying stand space in many of our supermarkets and dry cleaners, it may be tempting to hire or buy a carpet or rug cleaner to tackle your heavily worn carpets or spillage areas. 

It surprises many of my customers, however, that the cost of hiring a professional carpet cleaner can often work out cheaper than hiring – and there’s absolutely no elbow grease for you if you get me in. So what are the hidden costs that catch most customers out?

1. Carpet or Rug Detergent or Solutions don’t always come with it 

So you’ve hired or bought your carpet cleaning machine, which in fairness is not a bad machine, but unfortunately that’s just the start. The solutions that you have to purchase can be very costly. Not only that, but if you have a small spot stain, you will find yourself with excess solution.  

2. One-size doesn’t fit all when it comes to carpet cleaning solutions

The temptation, no matter what the stain or what the surface is, is to go at your carpet with a sponge, brush and a bucket of household products – we understand, we’ve been in that panic. But  the reality is that the type of stain and type of fabric hugely affect what type of chemical treatment is needed, i.e. a red wine stain on a wool carpet will vary massively from a foundation spillage on a shag pile rug. The products that we buy in the supermarket and are available to hire are a one-size fits all, cross your fingers and hope for the best attempt to remove the stain. 

They pop as many different chemicals as they can into the bottle in the hope the right one will attack the stain, and won’t have any adverse reaction to the fabric.

More often than not, it can end up ruining your carpet entirely, or destroying the fibres. In contrast, hiring a professional carpet cleaner with an embarrassing amount of experience (I know, I look so young!) gives me the knowledge of what solution works with which stain. The accuracy makes for a swift result and a happy customer!

3. The after-care is as important as the application

Carpet cleaning solutions are heavy duty stuff, and often leave a residue that has to be thoroughly removed. This isn’t always explained when hiring a carpet cleaning machine, and despite an initially positive result, the residue that is left attracts dirt, and you might find that the stain that you’d waved goodbye to has reared its ugly head again.

Don’t just take my word for it!

It’s easy for me to say, I know, but you don’t need to take my word for it; I’m proud to be a member of the National Carpet Cleaning Association (NCCA) and they have said similar on their site here. Not only that, but my brilliant customers will attest to the results too, as you’ll see on my testimonials page.

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